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Double your website donations

Make it simple to donate to your nonprofit by adding our engaging and friendly donation checkout in 15 minutes or less.

Trusted by nonprofits worldwide
gamechanger wallcode thinking huts humanaid
gamechanger wallcode thinking huts humanaid
Trusted by nonprofits worldwide
gamechanger wallcode thinking huts humanaid
gamechanger wallcode thinking huts humanaid

Win over more than 1%

Nonprofits are losing 99% of their website visitors as we speak. When you add Double to your site, you remove all the barriers, so you double your donations - for good.


Do more good in the world with Double

Make visitors act

Make visitors act

Bring attention to your cause on every page with heartfelt call-to-action and social-proof nudges. People can’t help but click and check it out.


Move donors forward

Remove the barriers to donating with a simple, fast, and frictionless checkout, so it’s smooth sailing once donors click on the heart.


Maximize giving

Drive recurring revenue monthly, weekly, or yearly and encourage higher donation amounts with smart suggestions.

What nonprofits are saying

Shannon Bulrice
Shannon Bulrice
Marketing.GameChanger Charity

In our 14 years as a nonprofit, Double is the easiest to install, feature-rich and best supported fundraising tool that we have ever used. I highly recommend Double.

Kilinan Dreher
Kilinan Dreher

As a digital-first NGO, it is important to offer a user-friendly and smooth donation process. Double offers exactly that and was super easy to integrate with our Squarespace website and our payment processing platform.

Sandy Priester
Sandy Priester
Co-Founder & Executive Director.LifeSpark Resources

We love Double! Their widget on our website makes donating to LifeSpark easy and simple, which means more donations for our work.

How you double your donations with the same website

Move visitors with heartfelt nudges

Move visitors with heartfelt nudges

Make checkout a breeze

Make checkout a breeze

Drive recurring donations

Drive recurring donations

Display smarter donation amounts

Display smarter donation amounts

Expand reach with peer-to-peer fundraising

Expand reach with peer-to-peer fundraising

Let companies match donations

Let companies match donations

Pass fees over to donors

Pass fees over to donors

Display a wall of donors

Display a wall of donors

Motivate everyone with a campaign goal meter

Motivate everyone with a campaign goal meter

Create a branded experience

Create a branded experience

Give donation categories

Give donation categories

Gather just the right information

Gather just the right information

Get personal with dedications and comments

Get personal with dedications and comments

Support multiple countries

Support multiple countries

Manage everything in one place

Manage everything in one place

See how visitors interact with analytics

See how visitors interact with analytics

Scale with automation and integrations

Scale with automation and integrations